a cartoon of the paper’s owner kneeling before Donald Trump
Exactly backwards as usual. Keep on keepin' on, liberals.
a cartoon of the paper’s owner kneeling before Donald Trump
Exactly backwards as usual. Keep on keepin' on, liberals.
There are other motivations. Such as testing something they think might e.g. protect commercial crops in some way for big agri-business or whatever, and just not caring about the consequences to working-class people in the surrounding area (especially if they're poor/non-white/marginalized communities). Attention is paid to things like that only when it's "important" to sate and capital—e.g. when it might result in working-class people winding up with a drug that might help them without the pharma industry being able to massively profit). Not because it might harm folks. And when such attention isn't paid, it takes decades of serious pressure and investigation and legal maneuvering for us to get an ounce of what might approach something like justice (some people getting some money to cover some of their ongoing medical problems at best, and probably more like just a ban on continued use of the thing going forward).
Was listening to some dipshit liberal on the radio the other day talking about the "controversy" of raising congressional salaries. Supposedly Musk decided that congresspeople are also worth some austerity and convinced enough conservatives to vote it down, and the Democrats and their fans are up in arms about congress not getting a raise since 2009 and "only" having a salary of $140k or whatever. They actually fucking dared to whine about how not increasing the pay leaves the position as only really fillable by elite, upper-class-to-wealthy individuals. LMAO. As if their official salary is the real barrier to that. And they whined about how they are required to maintain two residences (boo-fucking-hoo: build yourselves a fucking publicly-owned dormitory or military-style barracks and live like college students or soldiers on your own fucking government dime, ya pansies).
Aaron Bushnell, TBF. But yeah: short of any more information about this guy...IDK maybe he was just suicidal and wanted to make it weird.
Not even stuff that goes "boom", really. More like stuff that goes "pop", "whish", "fizz", "snap", "bzzzzz", etc.
Fireworks. Seriously. Like the intent was just to create a spectacle rather than do any serious harm or damage. It really is perplexing that some dude may have thrown his life away for this shit.
Yeah, Silo is pretty good. I highly recommend reading the book, though. I think some of the changes they made to the characters were cool (making the Supply person a kick-ass lesbian was pretty awesome, whereas in the book it's just some mostly flavorless old cishet white guy), but as usual they fucked up the plot royally and left tons and tons of shit out. Like, the very feel of the thing from the very first scene was WILDLY different. They did a Sixth-Sense-esque "reveal at the end" for the series, which in the books is a "secret" you learn right away. Also, everything being from the POV of a fucking cop is completely different between the two. Screenwriters are assholes. (If you're watching the series already, you should probably finish it before reading the book so as to avoid the major spoiler.)
The stupidity of accidentally setting off a shit load of fireworks matches the stupidity of owning a cybertruck. QED.
The census takers where I live estimate they only count about a third of unhoused people, at best.
Jackets that are a half-size too small club stays winning. Billies go up, workies go down.
It's baked into the fabric of liberal electoralism, TBH.
Maybe don't bet on other capitalist nations doing an anti-capitalism? (I'd say that's all of them, TBH, but I'm an anarchist so take it as partially or totally as you like. No question either way where Russia is concerned though.)
Cop 101. Tell the public he "did a bad thing and is being disciplined". Then throw him a party in the back room and make sure he gets a raise and a promotion.
I think we shouldn't be surprised any time the Ziofascist regime fails to be satisfied and attacks at any opportunity despite the fact that conditions are generally favorable to them.
'Member when they straight-up attacked Egyption military forces on the border a few months ago? It doesn't really have to make sense.
Correct. I've finally switched to AMD graphics, which seem to have pretty much caught up. Very happy with the result, so far. Fuck NV.
'Member when we kept getting the end of the world predicted in circa 1980s-200Xs, and the day came and went, and then there was a new prediction for a few years out?
Liberalism is about the same as those comet cults or whatever.
You know what to do, Teamsters.
In geo-solar news, it's Solstice, folks. The northern hemisphere's about to start getting more of the sun back, and the southern hemisphere's about to start getting a break from its relentless beating. Happy Solstice, y'all.
Seeing as this has literally been an analogy I've seen online liberals use over and over and over again throughout the last few years, I actually can't be sure you are joking here.