I don’t know if I’m paranoid, but it is so much harder for me to find links for things I’ve seen to share with people.

Googling “Zelensky blonde hair blue eyes bbc” did not bring up anything referencing his sick comments. Only when I added “Twitter” did I find tweets that had clipped it.

I’m not able to find anything about Yemen being attacked recently and the most recent news says that Yemen launched a rocket.

Am I conspiracy-brained, are there just not any sources reporting on anything inconvenient to Western hegemony, or are they being buried by the algorithm?

  • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Nah, happened to me too, but not necessarily while googling stuff sensitive to westerners

    On youtube, I can search for a specific video by looking up the title word for word , complete with channel name, and not get anything but sorta-popular vids unrelated to what I searched, while on google searching some things only gives me mainstream sources only tangentially related to what I was looking for.