VILenin [he/him]

Yes it's me, Vladimir Lenin. :i-was-sayingI-was-saying

  • 750 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • VILenin [he/him]MtoSlop.Terrifying.
    2 days ago

    Bootlicking thugs for the ruling class getting dragged to Central Park? I can’t imagine anything more terrifying! Truly two sentence horror! Interesting as fuck!

  • Redditors would never have qualms with that, rioters always good gubmint always bad (except in murica then it’s the opposite)

    Easy for the CIA to sell the narrative since their brains have all been melted by decades of plucky underdog rebels vs ebil soviet-coded authoritarian gubmint slop. It’s easy for them to just switch out the groups in the Hollywood narrative. Anti-democracy rioters are just the latest group. Violent hooligans inherently good because anti-gubmint inherently good, redditors cream their pants with each new picture of le epic protestors.

    I’m predicting Les Miz songs by the end of the week

  • VILenin [he/him]
    toSlop.Libs unite with Nazis over chinabad
    4 days ago

    Liberals: we are the greatest supporters of marginalized people, we stand against bigots! vote for us or we will fantasize about you getting murdered!

    Laura Loomer: Presinald Trunt and Melon owned by dastardly orientals

    Liberals: i-am-adolf-hitler So true, I stand with Laura! Death to the untermenschen! Sieg heil!