Some guy will post a picture of a pretty standard looking pepperoni pizza and say: "Imagine not living in new york." And then there's the whole bodega discourse, which is also funny. "For you non-new yorkers, let me explain: a bodega is not a corner store. It's a place where you can buy gatorade, toilet paper, AND eggs." Thank you sir for explaining that to a slack-jawed yokel such as myself.

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I've been to several cities of global importance and size. Moreover, I've spoke to people from dozens of countries asking them to compare NYC to the principle city of their country.

    Among them all and from my observation there is agreement: NYC is both the dirtiest major city globally and has the most outdated mass transit system.

    • CTHlurker [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It continues to blow my mind that New York managed to build one of the first functional metro systems in the world, and then decided that they shouldn't ever bother to maintain them beyond the absolute bare minimum, for like 80 years. Surely it can't all be the fault of city planning and Robert Moses, right?