Link to the paper in Science: Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular breed stereotypes.

Environment and socialization remain the largest determining factor.

Unsurprisingly, most stereotypes about dog breeds are pseudoscience that come from the eugenics movement. In particular, “popular knowledge” around pitbulls and bulldogs is just thinly veiled racism.

interview on the study from the verge:

The research did find some genes associated with traits like human sociability and howling frequency. But overall, only around 9 percent of dog behavior was explained by breed.

“Dogs are individuals,” said Marjie Alonso, a study author and executive director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. “What a dog looks like is not really going to tell you what the dog acts like.”

Edit: modern “purebred” breeding literally came from eugenicists, that’s why this old political cartoon even exists. Documentary on pedigree dogs and their many issues:

  • politicsenjoyer [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Look over the actual paper, that comment is not coherent

    fta: "The study analyzed survey responses from nearly 20,000 dog owners about their dog’s behavior"

    Also from an 8 day old account, so they’re probably one of those dweebs who keeps getting banned for being insufferable.

    I'm guessing you've never been doxxed by chuds if you think rotating accounts is inherently sus

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I kinda agree that written survey stuff is pretty weak. But like everything else in our stupid lives, dog breeds have somehow become political. And people absolutely make snap judgements about breeds and their owners based on racist and classist assumptions. I would generally agree with a study that found training/upbringing has a stronger effect on breed behavior than genetics because otherwise there wouldn't be a whole subculture around rehabilitating dog rescues.