Twitter leftist: I want landback, I want decolonization, I want to end capitalism, by any means necessary! Except the media must remain untouched, and no one from the bourgeoisie must he harmed in any way. People like Lenin and Castro did that and they're all evil authoritarian dictators.

Nathan Fielder: Okay.

  • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
    2 years ago

    he got a business degree from one of Canada's top schools with really good grades, and now he dedicates his life to helping people solve their problems

    edit: the man with :the-plan:

    edit 2: one of my favorite bits was the James Bailey mall Santa episode here

    Sucks that they didn't want to let him Mall Santa because "criminal record," after googling it, can you guess what that record was?

    He grew REALLY GOOD WEED and gave away a bunch of it and was charged with growing 100+ plants.

    My favorite part is the security guard getting up in their cameraman, James goes "want me to stop him?" and the guard is like, "what?" and James goes "I asked him if he wants me to stop you"

    guard goes "you can try" and James just fucking laughs as he towers over him

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        2 years ago

        I just cannot stop laughing at this 5ft security guard going "you can try" to his 7 foot fuck, 400Ib frame

    • RedDawn [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Damn I thought it said in the show that it was a DUI, I must have misremembered. Also though, I'm pretty sure the mall didn't do the background check but rather Nathan did and informed the mall, thus them saying no and providing the necessary drama for the episode.

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        2 years ago

        He does say it's a misdemeanor from a DUI, but when I googled it, the marijuana thing came up. Apparently he was also on the run in Mexico for a while (still making money as Papa Noel) but then the federales helped catch him. I guess they asked if they wanted him extradited and they were like "No, he's a U.S. citizen, just deport him" which kinda doesn't make sense to me, but it's what I read.

        edit: oh shit I guess that was after the episode aired...

          • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
            2 years ago

            yeah, really sucks for him though, I liked him in that episode and tell myself he's a libertarian socialist grandpa (hopefully at least... not a :libertarian-approaching: )

            I guess he got 18 months back in 2018 for it hopefully he got out of prison before covid hit...