EDIT: I'm very proud of this community. All the posts are making me think and solidly criticizing from an anti-imperialist perspective. Thanks, hexbear

  • Ideology [she/her]
    2 years ago

    You've never read my other posts, huh. I'm a self-hating landback type. Hating :cracker: is kinda one of my primary traits. I just don't lick Putin's asshole every time I open my mouth, which is your minimum requirement for a good post

    • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
      2 years ago

      You claim to hate the US yet you spread US propaganda about its enemies, curious


      You have yet to figure out the concepts of revolutionary defeatism, imperialism and critical support

      • Ideology [she/her]
        2 years ago

        There is literally nothing critical about your support

        • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
          2 years ago

          You don’t read my posts do you? I have plenty of posts pointing out issues with Russian government structure, tactics, strategy.

          There is literally nothing “support” about your critical support.

          • CA0311 [they/them]
            2 years ago

            when you say tactics and strategy, do you mean to say that your criticism of Russia is that they aren't prosecuting the war effectively?

            • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
              2 years ago

              Yes, but also other areas.

              For example, just yesterday I said that I don’t approve of Russia’s strategy of abandoning territory to save the lives of their troops if that means leaving behind sympathetic civilians that would be tortured and killed by the Ukrainians as traitors and collaborators.

              I’ve also joined in with @granit in criticizing their neoliberal central bank policies, for example.

              I shouldn’t even need to do these things to prove anything to you though. You should be following revolutionary defeatism.