🎤:society: 🥁:hasan-smash: :cmnd-marcos-pog:

:duck-dance: :chicken-bop:

🎷:joker-troll: 🥁:hasan-smash: :cmnd-marcos-pog:

:jazz-passion: :jazz-ecstacy:

  • dead [he/him]
    1 year ago

    On the most recent chapo episode Felix said, "Computer guys either listen to the top 40 hits -- that's who I think is listening to all the black eyed peas songs, probably Mark Zuckerberg at facebook 10 years ago -- or they listen to some fucked up genre like clownstep or electrostep. They listen to something that Keanu Reeve's boss would listen to in Johnny Mnemonic. They're like 'It's the music of the future, it's called electroclown'. It's a Barnum and Bailey circus song played on a synthesizer."