I want to state up first I get it, I'm on the right side, most of these men are awful, and every man-o-sphere influence is awful. Andrew Tate belongs in a 6 foot deep hole, or a hole in the back of his head. Joe Rogan should be sent to the Hague.

But when dudes complain, even about genuine issues, we have a tendency to just attack them for it. If a guy complains that being short can kinda suck (and it can. More so than just getting girls, it can hurt your career and everything.) People, even leftists, tend to just call them a sad manlet or something. Same thing with dudes complaining they can't get a girlfriend, are they not alienated under capitalism? I'm not saying we have to coddle the incels, but we could do better at presenting a future, a better one, maybe?

The discourse about height, and dick size, are both stupid but here (in this safe space) can I admit that there's a point to both? They affect people, it's a real thing.

And back to the Joe Rogan's, I feel bad that men and boys get sucked into that. I have some pity for them, these desperate losers.

Anyways, Im sure I'm going to think this is dumb, but I just can't help but feel like there's a gigantic community of extremely disaffected people that while I mostly loathe, I also really feel bad for. I don't think it would've taken much to push me there, I grew up in a good environment with some good role models, but without that, left to the wolves, I'm as susceptible to the grifters as everyone is.

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    2 years ago

    100% correct and based. I get annoyed sometimes because I see female presenting(or perhaps just appearing) people say things like "it's not my job to help emotionally stunted men." Which yeah, I guess technically it isn't, it is unfair that a lot of women have been used as crutches for men and that isn't good, and you don't always have the energy for it. That's all fair, but it was someone's job, and that person failed. This is a hard problem to fix alone, you cannot get better at relating to other people and seeing them as human without other people being present. And are they going to talk to other men about it? The people that in many cases berated and hurt them to instill this belief, this emotional weakness? It's not any one person's job to fix a broken man they are around, but it is all of our jobs to help each other. If you saw someone bleeding out in the streets, would your first thought be "it's not my job to get them to the hospital"? I'm not expecting every woman or female presenting person to out themselves in harms way to help every man they meet that isn't perfect, I get lack of emotional space, personal trauma or just general distaste for the work, and genuinely valuing their own time, but the smugness some people post about this with is disgusting. You should never be proud you saw someone hurt and didn't help them.

    And the doubling down on sexist language towards men. It's not okay to make fun of a guy for being short, or not being muscular, or being shy or nervous, or any of the other things which it is just mean to mock people for. It doesn't break down gender walls, it reinforces them. It also reinforces transphobic rhetoric. If being a short man is bad, or not having facial hair, or not being muscular, and so on, for men but not for women, seems like anyone with those traits who wants to live as a man would feel like garbage all the time. It also breeds the idea men are stronger and more brutish than woman, and deserve more abuse because they can take it. The fact that I, living as a man, have been called sexist because when a woman insulted me I insisted her back is absurd. She is not porcelain and I am not steel. Anyone who disagrees with that is not a feminist.

    I'm lucky to have had supportive men and women growing up, and now have people of all genders around me who encourage emotional vulnerability and openness, and don't expect stock masculinity from me. I wish everyone had this opportunity. Until they do, it's my job to try and provide it for them, so they don't fall to the manosphere. Because it is tempting, it's easy to blame all your problems on others if they seem adversarial to you, and society blame your problems on them, or their problems on you when you're still growing. The solution is the same as it always is to us as leftists: we reach out, educate, and build solidarity.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      If being a short man is bad, or not having facial hair, or not being muscular, and so on, for men but not for women, seems like anyone with those traits who wants to live as a man would feel like garbage all the time. It also breeds the idea men are stronger and more brutish than woman, and deserve more abuse because they can take it. The fact that I, living as a man, have been called sexist because when a woman insulted me I insisted her back is absurd. She is not porcelain and I am not steel. Anyone who disagrees with that is not a feminist.

      I feel this on a deep level. I lost a lot of "friends" years ago over it. I'd been putting on some weight because of depression and age catching up to me, and somebody I hadn't seen for a while showed up and said:

      "Whoa, damn dude, you're really packing on the pounds!"

      To which I responded:

      "Thanks! Your moustache is coming in great! Hitting menopause already?"

      Probably not my most gracious moment, in retrospect. But they're all still friends and I'm not after that incident.

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      2 years ago

      I didn't realize how much had been bubbling up inside me about this.