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  • MaeBorowski [she/her]
    1 year ago

    The copaganda in Spiderman was so atrocious it was hard to get past it and enjoy the swings.

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      1 year ago

      Just started it. Played maybe 90 minutes. I was THIS close to shutting it down during the tutorial, but stuck with it and I'm having WAY more fun than I thought I would actually going around and doing stuff. I initially downloaded it cause I just wanted to explore a virtual NYC.

      • MaeBorowski [she/her]
        1 year ago

        The city and the feeling of the controls were very fun, no denying it, I guess I just have a very low tolerance for ultra pro-cop narratives. I also haven't watched capeshit for almost 10 years. :shrug-outta-hecks:

        Glad you like it though.

        • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I remember some discourse a while back where people were like "Batman is a psycho-fascist compared to Spiderman who is a smol lil bean". Hard cut to Spiderman PS4 where he's eagerly installing the cops' own Brother Eye

    • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      It also suffers from the problem where the villains have legitimate grievances but for nonsensical reasons they go too far in order for the audience to see them as the villains.

      Spiderman is basically defending Norman Osborn through the whole game, which is kind of fucked. He never questions if he's on the right side either or even acknowledge it.

      Especially fucked reading Osborn as a standin for capitalists when the villain is "negativity" so it's basically implying that negativity about capitalism is a bigger threat.

      People on Rikers island free themselves and a good portion of the game has you beating them up and essentially sending them back to prison. That was stomach churning.

      Class Traitor Spider-Man: The Game

      It also manages to have both Chinese and Russian villains in the same story lol

      It was like a lib brain worm speedrun lol. I couldn't believe it when the first thing targeted by the Chinese mask gang was Norman Osborn's campaign offices. "Oh no masked Chinese villains are attacking liberal democracy" like it's Norman Osborn just let them do it lol