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  • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
    2 years ago

    Just started it. Played maybe 90 minutes. I was THIS close to shutting it down during the tutorial, but stuck with it and I'm having WAY more fun than I thought I would actually going around and doing stuff. I initially downloaded it cause I just wanted to explore a virtual NYC.

    • MaeBorowski [she/her]
      2 years ago

      The city and the feeling of the controls were very fun, no denying it, I guess I just have a very low tolerance for ultra pro-cop narratives. I also haven't watched capeshit for almost 10 years. :shrug-outta-hecks:

      Glad you like it though.

      • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I remember some discourse a while back where people were like "Batman is a psycho-fascist compared to Spiderman who is a smol lil bean". Hard cut to Spiderman PS4 where he's eagerly installing the cops' own Brother Eye