Sorry if this is the wrong comm, but I had to get this off my chest. I am so sick and tired of dealing with bi-erasure. I am a bisexual man who is I'd say 90% attracted to women and 10% attracted to men. Best I can explain it, I am mostly attracted to women and occasionally attracted to a man. It really is that simple, but for a lot of people I might as well be explaining calculus. I understand if most straight people can't fathom it, after all they are straight. But what really irks me is when other LGBT people erase it, telling me I am "in the closet" or whatever. It makes me so damn angry because I am not in the closet, I am open about my bisexuality, yet no one believes it. I have only dated women, but everyone in my life off and online including my gf who herself is LGBTQ+ thinks I am gay. I'm so sick of it I think I'll either just tell people I am straight or become gay.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    The only thing I can figure is "what no theory does to a motherfucker" is at work bc how disconnected do you have to be from queer theory and queer history to dismiss bi people?

    • BringMeExtra [xe/xem,fae/faer]
      1 year ago


      it's such an easy test for whether or not someone is toxic.

      similar vibe with who gets upset about the concept of bisexual lesbians.