Fucking baaaaaaased. How the hell was he ever allowed to make a Hollywood movie???

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    1 year ago

    10s of thousands likely died from starvation, and millions within a decade from neglect, medical issues, etc. But as mentioned comparatively few actually completely starved rather than died from contracting consumption or dysentery in a refugee camp.

    The SU had less technology, fewer food reserves, no infrastructure to get grain to areas, and of course it started disasterously late because it thought it was a hoarding issue. But it did technically have the food to solve the crisis, it was a matter of getting it there fast enough in an Eastern European season that was devastating to both agriculture and roads.

    Finally, there was the fact that in the US famine people moved from the relatively undeveloped area of Kansas to the developed hubs of California, which could cope with the influx.

    Attempts by starving people to flee Ukraine to other areas hit the issue that aside from Moscow and St Petersburg, everywhere in Russia was less developed, and many areas were marginal in food production. The Soviets decided to block migration out of the famine regions to prevent a cascade failure of food resources, but were unable to get food in to the areas fast enough.