There was only one thing I missed about the old CTH subreddit, and that was that we would occasionally get a lost lib that would stumble in and start calling us Putin lovers or some shit. It was always really funny watching them expect to bring the reddit debate shit in only to be completely not be taken seriously at all.

Well, they're back baby!


RUZZIA! data-laughing

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      To me it gives off the sames vibes as the Mango Mussolini shit, but at the very least that's new, innovative, and has good mouth feel.


      • Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        It has the jesse-wtf vibe that the orange man jokes lack.

        Usually the libs are far less creative, so I respect the innovation over "Putin shill" or w/e

        • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
          11 months ago

          OH my mistake for being unclear I was referring to Stuffed Puppet Muffin with my compliments. They managed to overcome the initial cheeto joke hurdle to surpass mediocrity

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      11 months ago

      hate to be that guy but I think it sounds exactly like when libs like Chuck Wending do that whole "WEDNESDAY. The day you flumpty-foo! And you think boopty-bop and zippity-zoom but the truth is, razza frazza wuzza wooza" and go "Trumpie couldn't even comprehend if I called him a fumcrustable turd gurgling herd burglar"