There was only one thing I missed about the old CTH subreddit, and that was that we would occasionally get a lost lib that would stumble in and start calling us Putin lovers or some shit. It was always really funny watching them expect to bring the reddit debate shit in only to be completely not be taken seriously at all.

Well, they're back baby!


RUZZIA! data-laughing

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    the "pre-emptive/last resort" defederation drama has been the funniest thing imo. i imagined federation with such a big-tent LIB instance would involve wreckers and some crafted-over-time pre-text for shutting us out.

    instead, they push the button before we even connect, call out our mod message of "be polite in other instances" and "NATO is shitty, actually", creating a struggle session amongst their own users, locking their own post, and banning complainers as hex-alts like some Q-brain trying to huff the Smell of Freedom while standing in the Cavortex.

    their deranged leadership outed their instance as the vanity project of some reactionary autocratic westoid chauvinist. straight up own-goal from midfield.