I was kinda on a nostalgia trip and I stumbled on Jennifer Lopez's Waiting for Tonight, and it's basically about how she wants to fuck her partner. It could be more romantic in nature, and for some people it is, but looking at the repression in the West, it's very racy for its time.

But I ask: Why is it considered bad for straight men to want to listen to a song about how a woman wants to fuck? Volcel Pledge, notwithstanding.

I mean I know the answer is systemic misogyny, but like it doesn't even make sense?

It's so bizarre to me as a queer person attracted to men that men and boys are discouraged from listening to musicians who are women.

I'd have loved growing up with musicians I'm attracted to who were attracted to my gender.

I sorta want to explore this experience as an outsider, but I'm curious, what was that like? Did you listen to artists you liked in secret? How are your music tastes now? Any recommendations on music that feels different on a revisit?

  • Ufot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I remember listening to Brittany spears, nysnx, backstreet boys, Christina A, Aaron carder as kid. As a teen I moved to mostly "guy" rock/rap. I definitely wanted to be seen as a cool tough guy, but I'd get down to the occasional bop by a woman.

    I noticed in my maybe late teens but early twenties I only had male performers on my playlists and felt embarrassed about that, especially when girls were around. I made a concerted effort to work on that and im glad I did. Now I don't think about it unless it's specifically brought up.

    Some of my favorite songs over the years were the duet back in forths "don't you want me", nothing better" I'm sure there's others"

    Now I got music all over the place. My 5 6 most recently played songs are:

    Vampire: Olivia Rodrigo,
    Get Stonned: Fionn,
    Mr. Redundant: Mr Kitten Suprise, Hold on, Hold You: Wild Child,
    Stand by Me and You: Sambomaster, and Thunderbird: Evil