
            • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
              11 个月前

              I like to grade these sorts on a "time to Hitler" ie, how many comments in for the lib to get measurehead with it. Commenter here is running down the clock 'till they start ranting about removed.

              11 个月前

              Not a nazi. The only nazi here is you, you grammar-nazi lmao. Anyway wth are we even discussing anymore

                11 个月前

                Geugenics is not a word and is basically unintelligible. You don’t get to act like an intellectual or call other people grammar Nazis if you can even write a legible word.

                We’re you trying to say Genetics??? How did you get geugenics?????

                Also “What are we even discussing?” How about you answer the question originally posed to you instead of running away like a coward. You don’t even have the backbone to stand by your nonsensical logic and takes.

                  11 个月前


                  Holy crap dude, all i did was accidentally slip in the letter G in the front. There, now you learnt something.

                  I don't even know why we're discussing it, but everything seems to boil down to race in these comments. I'm not the one bringing it up. All I wanted to discuss is Ukrianes right to defend herself and her people.

            11 个月前

            And you are a spineless and hypocritical lib.

            What’s wrong with being logically consistent? You scared or something?

              11 个月前

              You commies are rich, but for sure I'll humor you. What was the thing that you found not to be 'logically consistent'(illogical as you would normally say).

                  11 个月前

                  So nothing, thanks very constructive.

                  They claimed their question was a crazy tangent, I agreed since I don't know what it had to do with anything so I kinda ignored it, there done.

                      11 个月前

                      Everyone has a right to defend themselves, it's a human right. I just took it for granted that you understood that, but I also raise that you might have a different view on the matter.

                  • Kuori [she/her]
                    11 个月前

                    I don't know what it had to do with anything

                    lmao jesus god you are dumb as shit, how do you manage not to choke to death on your own spit?

                      11 个月前

                      Oh well please explain then, you high and mighty intellectual communist fuck

                      • Kuori [she/her]
                        11 个月前

                        you keep asking people to engage with you without engaging in good faith first. no one wants to waste their time on a brick wall champ

                        it's pretty clear what the connection is; similarly, it's extremely clear why you continue to avoid the question

                          11 个月前

                          lmao jesus god you are dumb as shit, how do you manage not to choke to death on your own spit?

                          That's your idea of 'engaging in good faith'?

                          The situation in Ukrinae is not at all similar to the situation in Korea. Still I have tried to give as good an answer as I can: every people have a right to defend themselves.

                          That is quite simply the best answer I can give.

                          • Kuori [she/her]
                            11 个月前

                            there are like four hundred comments replying to you in absolute good faith

                            mine wasn't and never will be one of those because i don't believe you have the capacity to learn after seeing you refuse to do so this entire thread. i am being mean to you because i don't like you. that's all.

                              11 个月前

                              Well guess what I don't like you neither you commie fuck, but don't come to me acting like I should behave in good faith

                              • Kuori [she/her]
                                11 个月前

                                don't go crying about people treating you as you deserve then shrug-outta-hecks

                                ps PIGPOOPBALLS

      • Zrc [she/her]
        11 个月前

        why don't the Ukrainians simply make these means?

          • Zrc [she/her]
            11 个月前

            idk, maybe something to do with the billions of dollars worth of western equipment they rely on

              11 个月前

              They do, it's a hard war for survival. Soviets did the same against the fascists.

                  • loathesome
                    11 个月前

                    Lend lease helped the Soviets a lot but that's where comparison ends. Without lend lease they could still have possibly won with even greater losses. The aid to Ukraine on the other hand is just funneling money into a lost war with no chance of winning, keeping the zombie of Ukrainian resistance alive, lining the pockets of the military industrial complex and refusing to seek peaceful negotiation. These are not the same.