• AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    11 months ago

    And I'm sure you're not biased at all...

    Leading off with a thought terminating cliche when confronted by your ideological cohorts' dependence on thought terminating cliches is quite a flex

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      11 months ago

      Just calling out the thought terminating cliche is, ironically, a thought terminating cliche as well. I didn't only include that in my comment, you just (expectedly) ignored the rest. The fact you had nothing meaningful to say is enough. My comment was much more then pointing out your point of origin (as in instance). Your comment was nothing.

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Just calling out the thought terminating cliche is, ironically, a thought terminating cliche as well.


        Okay dummy in a completely flat world without any context you're TECHNICALLY correct but in this world we're talking about you calling people whose opinions and references challenge your worldview bots so stfu you lazy dishonest dipshit

        It's gratifying that you're upset at getting (rightfully) bullied because that means it's working and your behavior will eventually adjust. Either by shutting up or by engaging in good faith. Either way we win. stalin-approval

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          11 months ago

          Can't argue with anything I said so you just insult. Expected, once again, but disappointing.

          Either by shutting up or by engaging in good faith.

          Engage in what in good faith? You haven't made any arguments. You only say "fallacy!" and act superior, without earning it.

          • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
            11 months ago

            What the fuck kind of delusions are you having? This is not an argument. This is a thread about calling you out for your bullshit of defending people who claim everyone who disagrees with them is a bot and your own flavor of that, calling people "biased". If anything you should have gotten more shit for the rest of the pontificating nonsense you wrapped around a strawman. Your dumb smug ass replied with the shit I posted mocking you over in my last comment. You deserve to be bullied until you can act like you're a member of a proper community and this is the bullying you're receiving. There is no hidden ball. Stop acting like a fucking child and I absolutely promise you that you'll get treated differently. Don't whine about fucking up and getting called on it. Fucking liberals. Unbelievable.

      • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        Ah so like with every other logical fallacy it's impossible for liberals to be guilty of the fallacy fallacy but all of us tankies are always guilty of every fallacy at once (yes even the ones that contradict one another)

        You are rubber and we are glue, for everything we say bounces off you and rebounds back to us

        What flawless playground logic you employ

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          11 months ago

          Where did I say I couldn't commit a fallacy? It's just in this case the "fallacy" I made wasn't any part of the argument, just pointing out that he's saying that the group he belongs to is better than others, which literally everyone will say so isn't worth assuming it's correct without evidence. There was plenty of other things in the comment that were ignored.

          It's always pointing to some part of a comment and attacking that with you guys. You never defend anything because being on offense makes you look authoritative and superior, without having to put in any of the legwork that requires.