• BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      11 months ago

      You mean they pretend to care about black people. Considering you're doing Sinophobia on your alt account right now, I doubt you're acting in good faith.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      11 months ago

      I hope you're fucking with us

      This may be the ultimate example of Virtue Signaling™ Ive ever seen. Insead of doing their jobs as legislators and creating legislation to fight injustice, without even pretending to try, they don parody level racist "african culture" scarfs, and then to 'honor' George Floyd they reenact the way in which he was murdered for a fucking photo op.

      added bonus, half of them then struggle badly to get back to their feet after kneeling, a great dog and pony gerontocracy show

    • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
      11 months ago

      If they cared, they'd commit to undoing the centuries of colonialism that have ravaged black communities in this country. Not performatively kneel.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      11 months ago

      Hey so the police are killing more people than ever before in American history and they have more funding, more guns, and more impunity.

      So I don't think they care about black people.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      11 months ago

      They are making a rascist toktik challenge meme video. No, they do not care