• MF_COOM [he/him]
    11 months ago

    And I know he had an affair with someone with the last name Rothschild, but he's still operating in an amibious space when he talks aboutn "Rothschilds"

    It wasn't a person named Rothschild he dated a literal Rothschild

    • chilemango [they/them, comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      Yeah he also said he met the Illuminati during this time and he said "They ain’t all that"

      and on top of that said

      "Ps, The Dominicans control Hollywood,"

      "Ps, The Dominicans control the banking system"

      "Ps, The Visigoths are running a pedophile ring in Hollywood"

      "Ps, The Albinos control the military industrial complex"

      "Ps, The Jehovah’s Witness control the music industry"