• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    only because you’ve moved the goalposts when you couldn’t win that argument with facts.

    I didn't move any goal posts. I said Hawaii is an occupied territory, and you came back with BuT ThEy HaD a RefErEnduM. Forgetting to mention that the referendum wasn't actually about independence and that the people of Hawaii were never given a choice of independence by their occupiers.

    There is no false dichotomy here. It's hilarious seeing your comment history where you communicate through memes like a 5 year old child.

    the people always ave that choice. they can protest, revolt, etc. Did the Bolsheviks just ask the Tsars to pretty please step aside?

    People in Hawaii are revolting against your regime as we speak.

    The facts are that you made false claim and now you don't even have the decency to admit it. No point having further discussion with a liar.

    also explains this post https://lemmy.ml/post/2756876

    love living rent free in your collective heads

    • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      I didn’t move any goal posts.

      “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

      There is no false dichotomy here.

      see my previous reply

      People in Hawaii are revolting against your regime as we speak.

      a handful of protesters is hardly a “revolt”, but you’re adorable for thinking “big”.

      The facts are

      the last thing you have is a grasp on the facts. your comment an post history are proof enough of that, with a long history of bans, deleted comments, and verbally being drummed you of most places you visit or being a toxic mess.

      love living rent free in your collective heads

      how sad for you

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

        Do feel free to articulate which goal posts you're claiming that I moved. Be specific.

        see my previous reply

        I did, it's nonsensical.

        a handful of protesters is hardly a “revolt”, but you’re adorable for thinking “big”.

        Way to dismiss majority of the native population. I guess that's what you'd expect from racist occupiers.

        the last thing you have is a grasp on the facts. your comment an post history are proof enough of that, with a long history of bans, deleted comments, and verbally being drummed you of most places you visit or being a toxic mess.

        Wow interesting narrative you made up about me there. Maybe send me of whatever drugs you're having while hallucinating these things, cause that sounds like some good shit.

        how sad for you

        Nah, it's free entertainment for me kddio.

        • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          Do feel free to articulate which goal posts you’re claiming that I moved. Be specific.

          I already have, in detail. sealioning as you last line of attack? boring…

          I did, it’s nonsensical.

          I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

          Way to dismiss majority of the native population.


          Wow interesting narrative you made up about me there

          anyone is free to look at your comment history or the modlogs. no drugs necessary. how like you to hurl insult - yet again - when confronted with facts you can’t refute.

          Nah, it’s free entertainment for me kddio.

          not very convincing….

            • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
              9 months ago

              You have not done any such thing

              “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

              but I guess lying is all you’ve been doing here

              “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                    9 months ago

                    You're literally defending why it's justified for US to occupy Hawaii in this thread colonizer. I'm very much entertained by you publicly debasing yourself here. Hope you made enough FICO score points to buy yourself food tonight.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        9 months ago

        “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

        Amazing that @whiskeypickle@lemmy.ml, who is also a fan of those weird debate fallacy images, posted this in another thread today:

        “nuh-uh” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

        Also this, also from today:

        “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

        You also posted that second one, verbatim, this afternoon as @adroidBalloon@lemmy.ml.

        You're the same person, aren't you?

        Edit: Lol you even responded to an argument in this thread while still logged in to @whiskeypickle@lemmy.ml, then deleted it because someone noticed.

        • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          it’s not amazing that I can copy and paste images I see in other comment threads. especially when they work well… I even say that’s what I did in several comments.

          it’s sad that, rather than seeing that you’re wrong, you invent conspiracies, lmao. you’re not that important

          • Rom [he/him]
            9 months ago

            No one's buying it, you know that, right?

            • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
              9 months ago

              No one’s buying it, you know that, right?

              Whhaaaa??? you mean to say that a brigading band of angry trolls from two of the most toxic instances in the fediverse remain unconvinced by facts and logic??? GASP!!

              • Rom [he/him]
                9 months ago

                No, I'm talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

                That's you, since you seem to have trouble understanding things that aren't spelled out for you (or for that matter, things that are).

                You're committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don't know the difference, anyway.

                • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                  9 months ago

                  No, I’m talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

                  right, because the only way some could disagree with or object to a brigade of angry trolls from hexbear is because of some “conspiracy” you can’t prove.


                  You’re committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don’t know the difference, anyway.

                  “I know you are but what am I?” doesn’t make a convincing argument. most people learn that when they’re 5.

                  • Rom [he/him]
                    9 months ago

                    No, you're right, it's much more likely that several different users are all doing the same "everything you say is a logical fallacy" shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts, all completely failing to understand the logical fallacies they're accusing others of committing, all using the same arguments verbatim, have all been active in the last five hours, all have comment scores that immediately shoot up to 7 after a few minutes, all have posts in the same Star Trek comm where one of the accounts just happens to be a mod, and are all acting like all around shithead trolls everywhere they go. Nope, clearly totally separate people, must be a conspiracy.

                    Again, no one's buying it.

                    Honestly I kind of pity you. How bad is your life that you have to sit here for hours on the internet with several different accounts just being a shithead everywhere and just keep arguing with people like a child? It's really pathetic. Get off the computer, go outside, go talk to people.

          • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
            9 months ago

            How about you shut the fuck up, on however many accounts you're running