• Polymath@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    It is important to note here how well-indoctrinated the US and Europe are to "point the finger" and absolve responsibility...

    We don't refer to stuff as "deforestation," we call it "urban planning" or "development."
    We don't talk about "poaching," we just accept that farmers and the agriculture industry finds natural predators inconvenient, so we allow them to kill off coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, etc.

    We have just as many people doing similar, but for some reason we're only taught to lose our minds over conservation elsewhere, in the places where the US intentionally destabilizes (with Europe) to keep prices low for us. After all, it's what our economies are built upon: ruin everywhere, so we can call ourselves the heroes for killing off indigenous folks to areas just for the crime of living and wanting things to feel fair.

    Check yourself. This isn't "the way"

      • Polymath@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 months ago

        That's exactly it: we're taught "white good; everyone/everything else bad" and it seeps into our conservation and environmentalism efforts, getting spun into a tizzy about what happens in the Amazon or Africa, but, telling-ly, not really having the same depth and strength of emotions for wildlife conservation at home.