• Fuckass
    10 个月前

    deleted by creator

    • dansity@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 个月前

      Poverty hardly justifies crime. It is a cause not a justification. They are still poachers doing illegal hunting for protected animal on protected land. Also poaching is rather lucrative, even if the government raises income 200% poaching will still stand out.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        11 个月前

        yeah no if I can feed my starving family by killing some animal I would take that in a heartbeat. In contrast, if I can work in a factory and make enough to live decently I'm not going into the woods to try and kill something that can kill me back and risking getting into trouble with the law. Have fun in perfect actor land where you live though.

        • dansity@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          11 个月前

          They can choose to hunt deer or I don't know monkey to feed their family or even steal food. All justified. Poaching is extremely lucrative. Its like saying I'm robbing my sixth bank because I'm poor. They are not eating the rhino. I'm not OK with gunning these people but it is a shit act even if you are poor

          • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
            11 个月前

            Like yeah it's a bad thing to do, but I can see why someone might do it once to try and set their family up. Yes they should be stopped and punished, but should we personally hold them in contempt? There's definitely better off people involved with it, fuck them, and fuck the shit heads who are making the market.

          • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
            11 个月前

            One side is hunting animals.

            The other is murdering humans.

            Even beginning to equivocate this is insane.

      • Fuckass
        10 个月前

        deleted by creator

        • dansity@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          11 个月前

          This is all relative. Their paychecks are nothing compared to what people have in the west, they are not eating lobster. Its like you get 1 usd a day for manual labor or 100 usd for a single rhino shot. So the difference is multiple fold. They know what are they getting into. It's like someone asks you to sell coke. You know you will get easy money and you know the risks as well.

      • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Hunting is perfectly normal and has been a key to human survival since the dawn of man. It's suddenly immoral because some capitalist country said so?

        Rethink what crime is.

        • Gork@lemm.ee
          11 个月前

          There's a bit of a difference between hunting a gazelle for its meat and another for poaching an endangered rhino for its horn.

          • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
            11 个月前

            Because otherwise rich people won't get to see them on safari.

            No animal life is inherently more valuable than one another. The concept is absurd and so full of contradictions.

            I'm not about to cheer the violent murder of a human being to preserve a fucking safari.

            • ɠισƚԋҽϝʅσɯ@lemm.ee
              11 个月前

              Nah fuck humans. The worst animals of them all. I wont advocate violence but I wont shed a tear over a dead poacher nor rich horn buyers. Humans can just make more humans, with ease. Rhinos aint never called me bad names. Im im the Rhinos corner.

              • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
                11 个月前

                Eco fascist drivel.

                You’ll be cheering when they start killing climate refugees in a couple decades

                “Crossing the border is illegal!!!”

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      11 个月前

      Honestly, this is the biggest thing that sets off my 👁 senses whenever some version of this post goes around. It squicks me out in the same way as the "Somali pirates OWNED" genre of content that was popular a while back. Stuff that encourages and socially conditions us us to cheer the killing of people who's have been brought to this point by hostile economic conditions.

      • Fuckass
        10 个月前

        deleted by creator

    • Fuckass
      10 个月前

      deleted by creator

  • masquenox@lemmy.ml
    11 个月前

    Eco-fascists unite, huh?

    How long do any of you idiots upvoting this think it'll be until these (so-called) "rangers" start selling rhino horn themselves? That is... if they haven't already and this is really just them clearing out the competition?

    • Henle [he/him]
      11 个月前

      Why would they do that I presume they like the rhinos because they are killing people on their behalf

      • Fuckass
        10 个月前

        deleted by creator

      • muddi [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Corruption? Indian rangers are basically police. They're uniformed and armed, and apparently have orders to kill. ACAB

        I was in a car once when the driver accidentally went into a restricted forest area, and he just gave the guards a bribe to let us out without punishment. They're presumably better than the actual police generally, but in the tribal areas they can be just as bad.

        • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
          11 个月前

          taking a bribe because someone kinda broke the law without causing harm is not the same as killing the animals you are supposed to protect, like whole orders of magnitude different.

          • muddi [he/him]
            11 个月前

            Yeah I'm not saying those two are the same things. However I read some articles where tribal people and villagers claimed to be shot on sight for wandering into parks, then tortured for protesting this.

            My point was just that the sentiment for forest rangers in the US or elsewhere doesn't necessarily apply to India. The forest department might be more like the Bureau of Indian Affairs in some cases

            • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
              11 个月前

              However I read some articles where tribal people and villagers claimed to be shot on sight for wandering into parks, then tortured for protesting this.

              that's interesting. much more compelling than the other things.

      • masquenox@lemmy.ml
        11 个月前

        Yanks must like oil corporations - after all, they are killing people on their behalf.

        • Henle [he/him]
          11 个月前

          They do like oil corporations yes.

          That's like what the US is known for. Liking them so much they invade countries

      • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
        11 个月前

        Think about the kind of person that would sign up to murder other people.

        You think they wouldn’t shoot an innocent person for fun?

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      11 个月前

      Protecting the environment by shooting back at people actively destroying it

      is-this "Is this eco-fascism?"

      • Fuckass
        10 个月前

        deleted by creator

      • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
        11 个月前

        State power murdering overwhelmingly poor people for a crime that should be a fine at most.

        Yes, that is fascism.

        Can you give one single reason why this can't be handled with jail at most? They can't hunt from inside a jail.

        They HAVE to die?

        • Fuckass
          10 个月前

          deleted by creator

      • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
        11 个月前

        Killing poor people to take heat away from rich people is fascism. The heat is coming from people with eco interests. This is eco fascism.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 个月前


    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      11 个月前

      Yeah this is a fucking stupid take. I bet those native americans are just trying to dump oil on the land themselves.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      11 个月前

      Yeah we have this in South Africa and now some of the "rangers" as you say, are campaigning to sell rhino horn themselves to flood and devalue the market. They say it's all obtained ethically and all, or captured from the poachers, but I have my doubts.

          • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
            11 个月前

            This is state power being used to murder undesirables.

            That’s fascism. Terrorism would be non state actors

            • Ardipithecus [he/him]
              11 个月前

              Didn't know that, thanks for the info and thanks to the person who posted that other article.

              My confusion with the OCommenter was due to that.

            • masquenox@lemmy.ml
              11 个月前

              That's not true... the term "terrorism" was originally used to describe the actions of states - it's only due to the media that, for rather obvious reasons, states have been "absolved" from the vastly greater levels of terrorism they commit in contrast to the comparatively minor levels committed by non-state actors.

              So yes, this is terrorism. I't s not "eco-terrorism" (which is mostly a non-issue invented by the media) - it's bog-standard, common-or-garden-variety fascist terrorism. The kind the media goes out of it's way to never call terrorism.

  • Polymath@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 个月前

    It is important to note here how well-indoctrinated the US and Europe are to "point the finger" and absolve responsibility...

    We don't refer to stuff as "deforestation," we call it "urban planning" or "development."
    We don't talk about "poaching," we just accept that farmers and the agriculture industry finds natural predators inconvenient, so we allow them to kill off coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, etc.

    We have just as many people doing similar, but for some reason we're only taught to lose our minds over conservation elsewhere, in the places where the US intentionally destabilizes (with Europe) to keep prices low for us. After all, it's what our economies are built upon: ruin everywhere, so we can call ourselves the heroes for killing off indigenous folks to areas just for the crime of living and wanting things to feel fair.

    Check yourself. This isn't "the way"

      • Polymath@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 个月前

        That's exactly it: we're taught "white good; everyone/everything else bad" and it seeps into our conservation and environmentalism efforts, getting spun into a tizzy about what happens in the Amazon or Africa, but, telling-ly, not really having the same depth and strength of emotions for wildlife conservation at home.

  • FiskFisk33@startrek.website
    11 个月前

    no, fuck murder.

    Don't get me wrong, fuck poachers, but murder is never the solution, it just breeds escalated violence.

    • psud@aussie.zone
      11 个月前

      It's not murder, it's legal punishment. The poachers use gun violence against rangers, so it's a reasonable escalation.

      • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
        11 个月前

        It clearly says “on sight”

        You don’t want to wait for them to shoot first, you just want to murder them.

        No society on earth considers shooting on sight to be legal punishment