Not really sure how the question could be considered trolling. It was the only comment. Maybe they just don't like us?

Trying not to point out the comm specifically, but the show is currently undetermined how/when the next season is going to come out, and since the post was about teaser content for the new season, I asked if that status had changed. Something like "last I heard it wasn't certain it will get released?".

e: Figured out how to see my troll post

Is there any word on if/when this might be released? Last I heard it didn't have a distributor for [the next season].

Guess I'm a troll now. Be careful out there hexbears. The libs are throughly riled up it seems.



The mod and as many alts the admin (nutomic) could find have been banned.

Please let the admin know if you are aware of other alts that are still active.

Admin apologized for not taking my initial report seriously.

The system ultimately worked!


    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      1 year ago

      No clue, I just recognize him from yesterday's slop threads. He's had all his alts spamming that "says le troll" copypasta and getting his posts deleted for it ever since.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        1 year ago

        That's so pathetic that I just want to put them in a jar like a bug.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      1 year ago

      I think just allows community creation, so mods are whoever signs up

      • sovietknuckles [they/them]
        1 year ago

        ! is over 4 years old and the first 6 posts are all by nutomic, so it seems safe to safe that nutomic was the creator and original mod.

        • b@uhaus registered 21 days ago and the modlog says an existing mod appointed them to be a mod 12 days ago
        • OkToBeT@kei registered 17 days ago and was appoint to be a mod 6 days ago

        so someone appointed b@uhaus to be mod, most likely nutomic. However, nutomic is still the head mod of !