• invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This is not the same as jailing "unapproved" journalists. The point is you can start your own paper/report/etc. without central approval of what you can and can't produce.

    Seriously, are you just going to ignore the history of the US jailing or straight up killing dissident journalists?

    Snowden, Manning, and Assange are still going on.

    Gary Webb was assassinated in recent memory along with dozens of other journalists covering protests and corruption.

    The US actively supports Saudi Arabia that liquidated journalists like no other country.

    During the bombing of Yugoslavia the US killed hundreds of Yougoslavian journalists when they openly targeted the offices of newspapers and television stations.

    The price of starting a paper in the US is also absolutely prohibitive. With the primary mode of funding being advertisment. A funding vector that is just pure open conflict of interest.

    And sure you can start your own, but how long until the local sheriff decides you're not worth keeping alive and just kills you because you're exposing their corruption?

    really the thing I value is information freedom and transparency, press freedom and universal access to an open and anonymous internet are means to that end.

    I can understand that, but an open and anonymous Internet does not exist and never will, that's the whole reason Snowden is in exile, he revealed that and they don't like the story. We also don't have universal access to the Internet as ISPs are all privately owned and you need to pony up a rent to use it.

    And if you really value freedom and transparency, the US is in fact the opposite. I focused mainly on recent instances of journalist suppression in just the US, but the Yougoslavian instance isn't uncommon. The US will target media offices in countries it attacks. The first goal is to cut off the flow of information, and not replace it with "free press and truth", but American propaganda.

    • sapient [they/them]@infosec.pub
      1 year ago

      I do not think the US does good things in countries it invades and fucks up. I'm not unaware, seriously. That was not my point and you kind of shifted the conversation away from what I axtually said.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I don't really get how that's off topic when your were claiming that the US doesn't jail journalists or censor media and I presented you with journalists that have been killed or jailed and media that is censored.

        There's a difference between concentrated and diffuse spectacle and the US is the poster child of allowing managed dissent. The Financial Times isn't exercising free press because they had one article about the end of capitalism, because the private editorial board still signed off on that. The investors allowed it, and the advertisers probably used it to sell generators or guns.

        Mass media is an amazing tool for censorship that appears to be freedom. Other countries have adopted similar strategies too. Though most still have big state media outlets that they directly control like BBC, ABC, RT, SCMP, CGTN, etc. But the state control of those outlets has less bearing on their legitimacy than their dedication to upholding the interests of their respective countries ruling class.

        There really just isn't any world in which the US could be considered to have free press in any way and using the US as an example of a place that has "more free press" is total nonsense unless you mean "incredibly expensive press that the ruling cost is allowed to buy and own".