• ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    My impression was that Russia had a real problem with reactionaries

    To be precise

    Russia is extremly Reactionary & yes Russia has real Problems with specific "White supremacy Nazis ,
    you have to see it with view on Russias Demographic composition reactionaries and "Bloodline Ethnic Nationalist" are therefore an inherent danger to the State , it cracks down on them ... they dont wanna catch the Leprosy that is Ethnic Nationalism , you can look at Ukraine for a Demosntation on how you loose all your Minority Territories if you deciede that those living there are Subhuman and not deserving of Rights .. Ethnic fascism is an inherent Realpolitical danger to the Russian state in a Way in which it just isnt in the more "Nationstaty" European States... thats why Russia has a Real Problem with "White Supremacy" , no problems with hunting down LGBTQ+ and this "ethnicity neutral" nazi shit...

    ( and thats also why the West curts Navalny and other russian nazis .. they know as well that white supremacy is a danger to to Russian statehood... why not amplify, you know they always post their "russia decolonized" maps ...