I'd have assumed, even as insufferable liberals, that they'd be diverse enough to at least argue with some variety from one federated liberal to another, but so far not seeing much of that.

It's weird shit too, like the preoccupation with passive-aggressively saying "kindly" while insulting people too left for them. I've seen it from three different federated liberals today, alone. Is it some kind of "BioShock had such le epic quotable lines and the blue curtains were awesome, dae 'would you kindly'" thing?

  • SootySootySoot [any]
    1 year ago

    To be honest, I think the simple answer is that's what they were taught growing up. As a child who was not instantly born a commie but was a filthy lib for some years, I'm pretty sure it was school that taught me "commienism is when one person controls everything" or "some people are mooore equal than others smuglord". It was also school where I learned to accept the news media absolutely unquestioningly, and that anyone who questioned it was stupid because it literally must be true, every lib-ism I hear to this day, including 'would you kindly', I've seen so many times from teachers, other kids, and the news, and I learned it as "the" way to deal with thought dissent.

    Like it or not, these formulaic thoughts and speech patterns are simply ingrained in western teaching and culture. You have to push specific thoughts and phrases on to a population, because the only alternative is actually having people engage with the ideas.

    Brainworms are strong, and I think it takes different things to make everyone share them. But I think the most important part is getting them curious and actually wanting to engage, however you tempt a given person to do that.