Not reasonable, perhaps, but theoretically understandable. The escalating price of just about everything implies an increase in value that, in most cases, is not delivered. So some folks simply create their own perks — giving vent to rage or breaking traditional rules of social conduct (i.e., doing whatever the hell they want.)

If you feel you are paying VIP prices, you may well expect to be treated like a VIP.

  • neroiscariot [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    I have been saying this to my friends a lot. I commute about 60 miles a day...the amount of people I see driving like lunatics is just going up exponentially...and I cannot help but interpret it as a sign of the mental breakdown of society.

    • Inevitable Waffles [Ohio]
      10 months ago

      My wife is sick of hearing how I feel that we need to seriously increase the difficulty of obtaining a license for these monster vehicles and expand public transit. These things are out of control size wise and I feel like big vehicles should require additional licensing.

    • MaxOS [he/him, any]
      10 months ago

      I agree. People are driving like freaks and I feel like I'm getting into near-accidents on a weekly basis now.

    • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      This is really true. What a time to be alive (until you get killed in a car crash).