Special interests aside of course

Man. I don’t have sensory issues with wearing whatever, but I’ve been getting grilled lately for not being “fashionable” and some people in my life have even gone as far to say that’s why I’ve historically had trouble dating/making friends.

Tbh, I just wear whatever is easiest to put on- if that’s a polo and jeans at the top of my clean laundry, then so be it. If one of my last clean outfits is a flannel and khakis in my closet, then it’ll be that. If it’s a logo t and jeans? You get the picture. But apparently there’s something wrong with that and I need to be “more fashionable?” As someone who is color blind, I’m not exactly sure how I’m supposed to tell what colors best suit my skin tone/go well together. Like I said it all feels the same, so I’m not sure why something so minor would make or break continuing to hang out with someone but it seems like that is that case :/

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I think it's important to care about what you're wearing, because our clothing is an extension of ourselves. You don't need to find out what the "right" outfit or style is for you, but I also think that not caring about what you're wearing can have an effect on those around you, no different than not caring about other stuff, even minor stuff.

    To use a related analogy. There's nothing wrong with not liking a movie, or any movies. But if you immediately follow any mention of a movie in a conversation with the response "I don't like that movie" you shouldn't be surprised if no one wants to hang out with you. People don't like to have the things they enjoy shit on, even unintentionally. And for some people that includes "fashion" and whatever that means to them.

    In the same light, your clothes might reflect a negative attitude that you are not intending. Even if unfair, the easiest thing to do in my opinion would be to come up with a more consistent set of clothes you want to wear and prioritize that. Being more consistent would make others less likely to notice what you're wearing. It might make all the difference for you and you'll never need to ask about color pallets. 😄

    I hope this helps you.