Cars make me truly free! I pay 150 every month for car insurance+ the 70 or so per month on gas + the additional sum for maintenance. So something like 2,700 every year just to have a car as well as the comically overpriced loan I had to get when used cars became commodities in 2021
If that doesn’t make sense than you’re just anti-American
What a dork
I think that’s just online communities in general tbh
The left is so fucking cooked in the states it’s not even funny
Tell me about. The main challenge, I believe, is the placating performed by our treat and consumption economy. No idea how you go up against something as ubiquitous as that
I think the only thing you can hope for is a town in the middle of nowhere being taken over and made marginally better
So I met someone this year who was in the same class as Timothee chalamet at NYU and described him as the biggest fucking tool
Don’t know if that tracks or not, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Seems like the douchebags always win out in the end
Actually finished it and there’s a movie about apartheid which is kinda incredible
But soiled by the fact there is a 9/11 propaganda piece for kids
10 and 3 respectively
Libs and chud family members are just different levels of nauseating
Libs: talk about how concerned they are about the US turning into an oligarchy
Chuds: glorifying generational wealth and small business owners at every corner
Swear to god that remnants of hays code are well and alive in
Every Godamn action/thriller is CIA slop portraying the yankee as some kind of fucking superhero
That is so fascinating. I just tried it with the most recent version of g pee t and it failed even after I tried to correct it multiple times
As if this country couldn’t get more dumb
Apparently the NFL and NBA are now involved in some sort of turf war because the NBA used to own Christmas Day, but now the NFL has poured hundreds of millions into games on Netflix
I’m hoping the CTE sport loses out, but they’re expanding to other countries so not hopeful
100% agree
It’s no different than the waste from confetti imo. Sucks so much ass how trying to get people to do something different but automatically makes me the bad guy for disrupting the T R A D I T I O N
Do you lefties really think this is some kind of coincidence? Do you really think I could just play with words to fit some kind of “narrative?”
Reminder that all mainstream news establishments and entertainment platforms still use twitter!
Godamn fucking Waltons
Bit idea: forcibly strip all beneficiaries of generational wealth of their assets and recirculate its value amongst the public
Super glad that all my friends are having kids!