• FlakesBongler [they/them]
    11 months ago

    The Biden administration has multiple avenues to tackle student loan debt and they purposefully chose the one with the greatest chance of failure

    They also chose not to try and pack the court with friendly judges or even find an avenue that could bypass the supreme court entirely

    They're also completely done with actually trying anything to actually live up to the initial promises they've made

    It's literally Flanders' parents, but without the excuse of them being freaky beatniks


      • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
        11 months ago

        It's amazing what you can learn when you don't walk in here flinging shit. We're actually pretty cool and more than happy to explain our position.

      • LaBellaLotta [any]
        11 months ago

        o7 for humility and being open to information that contradicts your pre conceived notions.

          11 months ago

          Oh I know all about all of those things, and they're valid things, everyone just seems to forget that this all started because Biden decided to take action to begin with. All the criticism is valid, I see no reason to omit any facts.

          The administration chose the easy way first. (I don't see why they wouldn't have to be honest.) They have totally dropped the ball on keeping it a priority.

          And if you read my comment, there's no opinions in it. Just a question sandwiched between two facts.

          • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
            11 months ago

            See, there's where we differ. You think they chose the "easy" option. This seems to imply some kind of desire to actually accomplish what they set out to do. We think they chose the option they knew would fail so they would have an excuse for not doing anything, which is what they wanted all along. The Democrats have a long history of weaseling their way out of anything remotely progressive. They're goddamn experts at using the system to accomplish nothing, only to then fundraise on it forever.

            This one will join the dustbin of dead leftish policies, like a "Public Option," Increased minimum wage, and codifying Roe v Wade.

      • chair [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Ffs this account gets funnier every time I see it lmao