A struggle session, a power poster, a 2020 Democrat debate, or anything that tickled your fancy... remind us all about it in this thread!

My favourite memory by far has got to be the ~week or so we spent speculating about the Silver Legion.

  • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Mine is from the before time, long ago in a place called r/cth... A hapless chud wandered in a few weeks after we had bullied another chud into deleting their account, and he went off.

    CW: suicide depicted in film. Hours later he too deleted his years old account. 🤣 The best part was shortly after, when a Chapo did an edit of the Passion of the Christ in the scene where Judas is plagued by his guilt and ends his life. The original scene in the film has a gang of children running around and beating him up , where he glimpses a shadowy figure who is supposed to be the devil. This edit however features the kids with comments on them like "post hog!" and the like, and that shadowy figure?.. Matt fucking Christman! The children suddenly disappear and he sees this rotting dead donkey with the previously deleted chud"s user name, and he does the thing, no hanging body mind you, just a screen cap of his deleted account page. For some reason that made me laugh till I cried and has stuck with me for years. I think I may have the video on my old phone some place.