And that's just what they admit to publicly.

  • D61 [any]
    10 months ago

    $1 million dollars to everybody living in the USA with billions left over.

    Healthcare? Nope, too expensive.

    Better water or power service? Nope, too expensive.

    Public transport? Nope, too expensive.

    War? Oh shit yeah! Money 🖨 go brrrrr!

      10 months ago

      Nah it's only 337 dollars to everyone living in the USA. But I agree that it would have bought a lot of healthcare and infrastructure instead of pouring it down the toilet that is the Ukrainian military.

      • D61 [any]
        10 months ago

        'kay fine.. I'll be more specific.

        $1 million dollars "to each and every living person within the arbitrary borders of the United States of Mayo-vania"

        There... are you happy... now.

        mumbles in Rodney Dangerfield, "Can't get no respect round here.. none at all"

          • D61 [any]
            10 months ago

            Okay, I'll bite.

            How am I supposed to understand this comment?

              10 months ago

              you seemed to double down on your math error instead of investigating and correcting it. It just looks silly unless there was a a joke I missed.

              if libs saw this they would post this to a tankiejerk comm saying "Hexbear can't math. Explains why they like communism 100 billion dead" etc. I don't wanna give them easy Ws.

              • D61 [any]
                10 months ago

                Okay so I'm seeing less of a math error and more of a, I didn't specifically say give everybody living in the USA $1million dollars each. So.. like.. 11 billion minus what... somewhere around 400 million is like... counts on fingers, 10 billion and change for war and 400 million people with some cash in pocket to pay bills or buy new teeth or whatever.

                Instead, the comment decided to interpret my lack of specificity as, "$1million divided up between 400million." Which is genuinely funny and I figured I would roll with the dig.

                And I mean, liberals are gonna liberal. I'm not too worried about it. But I can appreciate the concern. comrade-doggo

                  • D61 [any]
                    10 months ago

                    Huh.... rereads

                    $1 million dollars to everybody living in the USA with billions left over.

                    I'd read it like, "1 ice cream cone to every kid in the class." Not sure why it would be read as "1 ice cream code to be shared by the class".

                • ped_xing [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  The amount you're looking for is a dollar. If you take 400 million out of the spending and divide it equally among 400 million people, everyone gets a dollar. I 100% agree that everyone getting that dollar would be an improvement upon current state, but a dollar doesn't even get you a slice anymore, much less pay for new teeth.