• commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I think this is a very incorrect take. I don't think neuroscience has been able to make a single claim against psychology yet, nor any real and predictable claims at all which place it above psychology in application or correctness. Psychology of course has problems, and I'm very open to discussions of issues with methods and shit. But don't act like neuroscience has much of anything to say about it. They're entirely tangential fields with one at the experiential level and the other at the technical/non-experience level. Common mistake of thinking you know too much from the meme

    • ElHexo
      2 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      If we weren't talking about a brain, but instead a piece of computer software, neuroscience would be digging into the source code to figure out how it works. Meanwhile psychology is like watching a bunch of YouTube videos of people demonstrating the software.

      One provides answers. The other provides guesses.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Computer touchers stop assuming everything in the universe is a computer program challenge. Difficulty level: actually trying to respect fields of academia that aren't about computers.

        • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          It's a metaphor, my god. You want a less technical version? Neurology is like a farmer analyzing his soil to figure out it's pH and NPK content to determine what crops will go best. Psychology is studying decades worth of Farmers Almanacs. The point is, only one deals with hard, definitive numbers.

          I will grant that my view is a matter of opinion, but it is my firm belief that any science that can not answer it's own questions with solid, irrefutable, numerical answers is an undeveloped science.

          You may take that as an insult, in which case 1. It's not meant as one, and 2. Get over yourself. It's an observation. I'm not saying these fields aren't important and won't eventually develop far enough to have such answers, but as they are, right now, they are filled with deficiencies.

          Because there are no hard, irrefutable, numerical answers, these fields inherently invite biased studies with conclusions searching for evidence rather than the other way around. And while this may not be the norm, it absolutely exists and can be used to justify anything. Then other studies cite that study which cites that study, and on and on. And since it can't just be disproven with an equation, its much harder to refute and correct.

          It's educated guesses. Maybe some day they won't be guesses, just like we don't guess that 1+1=2 or that oxygen and hydrogen can combine to make water; but for right now, they're guesses. And no amount of saying that's offensive to those who study it will change that.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It's a metaphor, my god.

            Nothing good is going to come after an opener like that.

            Reductionism may make you feel very smart, but eliminating everything that doesn't fit and doubling down on the belief that your hobby/specialization knows better than entire fields that are actually dedicated to the subject is sheer hubris.

            And no amount of saying that's offensive

            I didn't say that. I said the arrogance is obnoxious, because it is. And conjuring up imaginary enemies that are "offended" by your le logical factual facts is a crybully move.


            Get over yourself

            You first. You're making extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence, and in the process saying that entire fields of academia are false/pointless because they're not special Main Characters with an exclusive grasp of reality like, presumably, yourself.

            • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              Nothing good is going to come after an opener like that.

              Yea, and nothing good will come from a shitty meme attacking a choice of metaphor rather than it's content. Which is what you did to start. What a great picture you posted, is that supposed to represent the strawman you built rather than form any actual argument other than "no you're wrong"?

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                You don't deserve better because you didn't offer anything of value to respond to with better.

                "Psychology worthless because brain is a computer" is a level of arrogance on the level of a physicist claiming that they are the master of all things biology by extension of their field and that biology is a worthless subject.

                Similar actual usefulness in application too. I wouldn't ask a physicist how to preserve coral in the Great Barrier Reef, and I certainly wouldn't ask you to perform therapy sessions for PTSD victims. It'd be just as disasterous, probably moreso in your case considering the sheer arrogance you're presenting because you touch computers and think very highly of yourself and believe that your computer touching has godlike universal application.

                Actually, it's worse than that, because at least the physicist has a straight line that can be drawn, however distant, to biology through chemistry. You don't even have that.

                • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  “Psychology worthless because brain is a computer”

                  See this? This right here? This is you attacking the choice of metaphor rather than the content.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    This is you attacking the choice of metaphor rather than the content.

                    See this? This right here?

                    Most psychology is BS and the entire field is little better than pseudoscience.

                    psychology is like watching a bunch of YouTube videos of people demonstrating the software.

                    One provides answers. The other provides guesses.

                    Such metaphor!

                    Until you touch a computer enough to come up with a superior replacement to EMDR or CBT therapy procedures that actually helps people in need of such help, you're just huffing your own farts while trying to invalidate centuries of academia.

                      • UlyssesT [he/him]
                        1 year ago

                        I think even psychologists cackle about that one now, but it's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and it's actually quite effective with treating certain personality disorders if the program is adhered to. Compared to "that's all bunk, brain scans/computer comparisons are all you need bro, trust me bro" dismissive claims backed by nothing, one has actually helped millions of people.

                        • NuraShiny [any]
                          1 year ago

                          It was a genuine question. I am not a native speaker so I know a different set of specialized terms for this type of thing.

                          • UlyssesT [he/him]
                            1 year ago

                            It's all good.

                            Whether or not it may be useful to you, looking up Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may be interesting to you all the same.

                  • Rambi@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    The metaphor was the only content you fucking moron, and it wasn't even a good one. And that's not even to mention whatever you were saying about the brain being like soil or whatever lmfao. Just admit the few sentence throwaway comment you made was stupid and move on, Jesus Christ.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The only self-described neuroscientist I've seen that had such open and direct hostility toward psychology, and had such "everything psychologists do is bunk, trust me bro" arrogance like yourself, was Sam Harris.

        And Sam Harris is a quack and a fraud that has failed to submit even a single peer-reviewed scientific paper since his family-funded "foundation" assigned him his doctorate so he could peddle books. You're not a Sam Harris devotee, are you?


      • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        I'd dig into you here but comrade @UlyssesT@hexbear.net managed to perfectly. You use the analogy because you believe in what the metaphor represents (that brains can be better analyzed at the level of neurons to understand what they are, while dumbass psychologists think you can get it from experiential analysis). The computers are always of course a metaphor, but you're influenced deeply by the thought processes which arise from the simplification of human experience (or any living experience) to a mathematical basis which computers also use. There is no reason to believe this or take the analysis at that level as any more serious than experience (which we also can't prove but I can feel something so I believe it)