principled stances on the Russian and Chinese ruling classes

anakin-padme-2 by “Chinese ruling class” you mean capital owners and not the CPC right?

anakin-padme-4 youre talking abt the billionaires right?

link bc im not a LIB

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    Now, who should I put my faith for workers being able to seize the means of production in? The leadership and party cadre of a country with the most people in the world that regularly punishes billionaires, or a tiny American leftist group who hasn't even managed to place someone in charge of a large American city, let alone bring justice for the working class?

      10 months ago

      Obviously anyone who thinks China isn't worse than the US is just being tricked by the CIA! The China Intelligence Agency! As a principal communist, it is vital to despise all enemies of the west moreso than even libs do! That's the only way to achieve socialism, by supporting the status quo 110%!