I need help dechuddifying a family member that is upset about woke culture and diversity quotas.
I'm a soft little bean that doesn't want to be too intense and cause a fight or anything though. Yes, I know, I'm a pathetic lib. Roast me. But I grew up with a lot of family drama so I really dread going through that shit again.
Fellow ex-ncfca comrade?
NPDA actually, although they changed leagues after I left so they might be there now. Does NCFCA do high school debate? I may have judged a high school round for that league.
Yeah it’s the one for homeschooled evangelicals primarily. I did British Parli/Worlds style debates in college at another private christian college (school didn’t sponsor NPDA) after spending HS doing NCFCA.
Hell yeah, congrats on escaping. They get a lot of hooks in as a kid.