• Awoo [she/her]
    10 months ago

    I'm not sure what you're arguing.

    Do you not understand what plundering is?

    Wealth extraction from the global south into the global north via american companies involved in resource extraction - minerals, gases, etc etc. Rights to said resources gained at the barrel of the gun of the US military itself or a coup instigated by the CIA.

    For the love of god read a book about modern imperialism and how it works and save us from your international political illiteracy. https://resistir.info/livros/imperialism_john_smith.pdf

    • smollittlefrog@lemdro.id
      10 months ago

      You completely deviated from the original point.

      Never did I claim that the USA gained their strength rightfully, so why are you arguing against that?

      I only ever claimed that the USA having significantly more resources does show their strength.

      You can discuss the bad things the USA does and has done, but I don't know why you're discussing them with me.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        10 months ago

        You said you did not understand what the other person was saying. This can only come from not really understanding what imperialism is and how it functions.

        I explained what they were saying.

        You are now trying to divert away from that. Because it is not a topic you wish to engage in while you do this nationalist thing of engaging in apologetics and sly weasel-word half-hearted US support.

        • smollittlefrog@lemdro.id
          10 months ago

          Is guess I could've said "I'm not sure why you're arguing" instead of "I'm not sure what you're arguing".

          you do this nationalist thing

          I'm not American, how would speaking well of a nation I've never even visited be nationalist? (I can already imagine you calling me a traitor to my own country)

          half-hearted US support

          As opposed to full-hearted US support? You don't have to be extremely against something or extremely for something (though I'm aware extreme leftists would like to see it that way).

          I do recognize the negative things the US does and has done. But that does not mean that I'll unreasonably make up negatives (like the USA not being strong while being the strongest nation).

          There are enough factual things to dislike the USA about, no need to make stuff up on top of that.