barbara-pit for Cringetopia users

Also I hope people in here are decent about plurals. r/fakedisordercringe is another one of the "be normal debatebro-l" instances

  • Awoo [she/her]
    10 months ago

    Self diagnosis is valid but also a bunch of people aren't actually self-diagnosing they're just using it to be edgy.

    They used to say "as an r-slur" but when that became unacceptable they switched to autistic. A lot of the people saying this stuff don't actually genuinely think they're autistic, they're just assholes.

    Which is a problem because our autistic friends struggle to recognise it. And they're a vulnerable group for grooming.

    • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
      10 months ago

      i agree with everything you said, please read this in a friendly and confused tone. i dont see how that contrast with my original statement. My goal was to make self diagnosed comrades who were feeling insecure from assholes in the post above feel better. the fake disorder crigne sub is harmful imo. there are definitely the keffels of the world and tic tok teens and those people suck but do not invalidate actual autistic individuals self diagnosis.

      Which is a problem because our autistic friends struggle to recognise it. And they're a vulnerable group for grooming.

      hahaha oh trust me I know. I have been left feeling tricked and hurt quite a few times, I still always believe my comrades unless I have reason not to.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        10 months ago

        i dont see how that contrast with my original statement.

        I'm not disagreeing with you. Just adding that there's an issue here in that we do need to find a way to counter the assholes somehow while also not invalidating our autistic friends.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        10 months ago

        It's similar to the vulnerability that young eggs (trans people that haven't realised it yet) have to grooming by the far right.


        They give them attention in a certain set of specific ways and then pipeline them into right wing online spaces and behaviours through various targeted grooming methods. I use the word grooming here because it's specifically the young teens that are most vulnerable to it and the main core of the people targeted.

        I don't know how the issue should be addressed. I'm just highlighting it as an issue. We do need to avoid invalidating self-diagnosis autism but also need to counter the shitheads.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            10 months ago

            It's ok I understand what you're getting at - trying to think about solutions to the problem while avoiding causing more problems in the process.

            I'm somewhat stuck with it. It's easy to see the problem and it's also easy to see how our usual tactics for countering it are insufficient without also hurting actual autistic people. It deserves some longterm thought, perhaps people will eventually start to find some solutions.