• grazing7264 [they/them, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    Korea, loss despite dropping more ordinance than WW2, destroying every structure in the country and killing 1 in 5 of the entire population

    Vietnam, total loss

    Afghanistan, total loss

    Ukraine, losing to Yeltsin Jr.

    Who did these wars benefit?

    • agent_flounder@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      Ukraine? We're not fighting in Ukraine ffs. Losing? The jury is still out on that. If Russia is "winning" it looks an awful lot like losing to me.


      Really all the wars are beneficial to the rich and esp the military industrial complex. I hope we all know that.

      Invading Afghanistan was colossally stupid (from a geopolitical standpoint) and I said it would be a disaster as the sabers started rattling.

      Vietnam and Korea... don't know much... I kind of assume it was red scare bullshit gone off the rails. Idk. Welcome to be schooled on that.