I work in education. Earlier today, I was accidentally out of the room during morning announcements (I'm usually sitting in the back). When I came in, the pledge of allegiance was going HARD. It took all my willpower to prevent myself from sprinting to my desk to sit down so I wouldn't be standing during the pledge of allegiance (fascist brainwashing!).

Evidently, my behavior was conspicuous and my coteacher asked 'Are you an objector?'

Sheepishly, I replied "...yeah."

On 9/11 of all days.

  • CrispyFern [fae/faer, any]
    10 months ago

    One time I went to a minor league baseball game and was standing in a long line before the game for beer. I kinda zoned out and daydreamed for a while and when I zoned back in I noticed EVERYONE in line in front of me was turned around staring at me. I had a moment of panic before I realized that the national anthem was playing and there was a flag directly behind me.

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      I had a moment of panic before I realized that the national anthem was playing and there was a flag directly behind me.

      So can you translate for a non USA-brain what consequence this has?

      • Smeagolicious [they/them]
        10 months ago

        I think the idea is that fae thought people were staring for some unknown startling reason before noticing that they were simply exhibiting the traditional Amerikkkan pavlovian response of staring at the nearest flag and holding your hat/hand over your heart/saluting when the anthem plays, regardless of context. There's no real consequence other than an awkward moment, usually, unless you're really unlucky and some chud is feeling very patriotic/drunk that day. Fistfights and such may start or escalate from there in the worst situations, but it's not extremely common.

        • JuneFall [none/use name]
          10 months ago

          the traditional Amerikkkan pavlovian response of staring at the nearest flag and holding your hat/hand over your heart/saluting when the anthem plays, regardless of context

          This does sound so strange to me.