Get in here chapos! Any memes, rants, quips, jokes you have, let's fuckin hear them! That shit is funny.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    it was just an attack against the tallest building because what else would you attack with a plane

    This is nonsense. Especially given that the Pentagon was hit and that's like 5 floors tall.

    An attack against any other tall building wouldn't have provoked the reaction the US had to it because it wouldn't have been a targeted attack at the very people responsible for imperialism around the world. If you attacked a random residential building full of proles the ruling class would have shrugged, like they do when 2 or 3 of them collapsed last year and it was given literally no attention at all.

    The reaction they had, dragging the US into multiple wars, signing off incredibly invasive laws that could be used for invasion of privacy, anti terror, etc etc. All of this came from the chosen targets of that day.

    Stop talking about it as an attack on finance and start understanding it as a targeted attack to provoke a very intentional reaction from the american ruling class dragging it into a series of events that would lead to its decline.