TLDR: What is ADHD medication supposed to feel like? Is it supposed to feel like anything at all? Will someone with ADHD feel really gacked out/high? does it change based on food intake or other factors?

So I received an unofficial diagnosis from my AuDHD psychologist a while ago, and then my psychiatrist did a very short written assessment on me and determined a positive diagnosis. I really want to get a full assessment one day, but for now I was prescribed Focalin (dexmethylphenidate). I originally wanted it as a prn.

The first time I took it, I definitely felt "peppy", needing to stand while gaming, needing to move around more frequently, generally more awake. I didn't eat breakfast, and had coffee. My blood pressure was also very high. Within a couple of days I took it again, but being good and eating in the morning with no coffee. I couldn't even tell if it was working. I may have taken it another time soon after and did not notice a difference, so I stopped taking it. I've been extremely fatigued and my executive dysfunction has been off the charts so I tried taking it again. Yesterday I didn't eat right away, and I felt gacked. Tight jaw, jittery, like definitely felt like I was on stimulants. I felt like that today as well; I tried to eat a little something this morning but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. It kicked in during a client appointment, too. Jaw tight, jittery, making a ton of typing mistakes, my body feeling fuzzy.

So, is it something where you should be able to notice a difference when you take ADHD meds? I'm assuming that I felt it so intensely because I didn't eat, but when I do it it literally doesn't feel like anything has changed. I may also not even have ADHD at all and was misdiagnosed (I was informally dx'ed with ADHD, Autism and bipolar disorder).

  • ratboy [they/them]
    10 months ago

    yeah, I'm not seeing that with this stuff. I have also read a lot of shitty experiences with this specific drug though so I'm gonna keep trying and then see if I can switch to something else. I get super jealous of reading people's accounts being like "my meds changed my life I could focus and get things done and now I exercise 6 days a week and I'm on time for work and I love hanging out with my friends!!!" like, gimme that ;~; I am glad for you and them but still

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Tbc, I'm talking about Vyvanse. Foalin made me wired and angry. It really is just a matter of which drug, yknow?

      • ratboy [they/them]
        10 months ago

        Totally. Today is day 5 and I'll give it a bit longer but may just see if I can switch. I just wanna be motivated to do anything at all again!