specter hexbear-specter

  • mph [he/him]
    10 months ago

    I live in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Portland. An intentional community provided designs and tools in exchange for materials. About 20 houses built these together, then the community helped install them.

    We live across the street from a park. In the summer, especially, unhoused people - often with kids - stop by to take books back to their cars and trailers.

    My wife is a social worker, and the library has been a great pretext for her to engage with folks, help them find services faster than if they started at the front door, and for us to give them food and water.

    We're not trying to reconcile jack shit. We're trying to share and be helpful, and have succeeded a little.

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      This is a hexbear injoke btw, it's a reference to an old post made by a hexbear power user who was well known for getting really angry about minor things and consistently finding some way to claim they're fascist

      I'd be immensely suspicious of anyone who actually agreed with the quoted bits I posted.

      • mph [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Well then I'm sorry I muttered "fuck this guy."