• booty [he/him]
    10 months ago

    it's "I cast create water in the lungs of that guy!"

    I mean that just obviously doesn't work because you don't have a clear path to that guy's lungs. His clothes and skin and bones are in the way. Furthermore, a creature's lungs are not a container, and even if they were, it would be difficult to argue that they are an open container. But there are still a wide variety of ways it would be possible to drown someone using create water, and personally, I would sooner assume that the hypothetical player involved is considering one of those ways rather than a completely nonsensical way that doesn't even begin to fit with the basic rules of spellcasting.

    • ShranTheWaterPoloFan@startrek.website
      10 months ago







      There are more. So many more. I just got tired of copying and pasting.