So I have a ton of phone anxiety among other issues with communication.

I have a friend who only calls and wants to talk on the phone. No warning, just I get a ring and then he leaves a voicemail if I miss it. I can't access my voicemails on my phone anyway.

I've been working through some serious stuff in my personal life and I just don't have the bandwidth to hold these impromptu conversations anymore. If he texts, I'll text back. However, it's gotten to the point where I out and out told him that I have a lot of anxiety about talking on the phone and that if he just texts me and gives me a time to talk, I can figure out a time to catch up.

I've brought it up another time where I was dealing some anxiety and he said it in almost a mocking way that I have issues with talking on the phone.

We've talked since and I'm busy again and he keeps calling. I respond to his texts, but he's only sent one in the last few weeks.

I dunno. I feel like I was clear that I'm willing to talk, but I think I've set a fair boundary. Thoughts?

  • posthexbearposting [they/them]
    1 year ago

    i totally relate to this. I'm way too biased to give an objective answer. just that this sort of thing really sucks especially when people refuse to respect it. i've cut people out of my life over them not respecting this.

    my partner prefers calls and has fair reasoning for that preference. its been challenging.