Checkmate big Pharma, I'm a poster-pilled serotonin factory now. I've seized the memes of endorphin production and liberated myself from Capitalism. Posting is praxis and I'll cry if anyone tells me otherwise, so you better not! You'd hate it. I'm a real ugly cryer.

  • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
    9 months ago

    SSRI/SNRI's will inhibit the effectiveness of shrooms. You'd have to wean off the pharma drugs and give your brain some time to adjust before starting shrooms. This can be pretty bad and risky if your depression is quite strong, so it's best to do it all under consolation with your doctor.

      9 months ago

      I tried asking him about psylocybin and microdosing but he doesn't agree with it all. So I'm kinda screwed :/

      • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
        9 months ago

        I don't know your insurance/care situation, but it is possible to find Doctors who are more supportive. You're entitled to change your provider and find someone that is willing to work with you. I don't mean to say shop around until you find someone to just agree with you - but at least someone who has a less rigid position on the matter and is willing to discuss it in the context of your care.