• culpritus [any]
    1 year ago

    But the alarm about nazis in Ukraine started during Maidan protests. The phrase 'Revolution of Dignity' was coined by a far-right Ukrainian during this time. This was before Crimea was annexed and the far-right started doing violence against ethnic Russian-Ukrainians in Donbas. This is not a new thing. Canada just made it much more obvious. There's tons of mainstream media reporting from 2014 to 2019 about Ukraine's neo-nazi militias being a major concern.

    Zelensky was elected to diffuse this tension within Ukraine. He campaign on resolving this issue peacefully. He won majorities in eastern Ukriane and didn't do as well in the western Ukraine where the Banderites are. Do you know anything about the history of Ukraine?


    Tracing the origins of 'Revolution of Dignity':


    according to some research here, it started with far-right/fascist political leaders in Ukraine

    Oleh Tyahnybok (literally a leader of the national-socialist party of Ukraine) seems to have been the first to popularize the term to a broader audience of Ukrainians. He's the guy in the picture with all the libs and doing the nazi salute.


    The party combined radical nationalism, neo-fascist and anti-communist positions.