• oregoncom [he/him]
    9 months ago

    sees pro-Russian (at least critically) anti-NATO post

    "There is a goal here and it seems…like supporting Russia"

    The putlerbots are so conniving and inscrutable. It sure took a lot of deductive power and analytical prowess to reveal their subliminal agenda!

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        9 months ago

        I mean…as (ostensibly) working class leftists, I didn’t think anyone would be outwardly PRO murderous world superpower. But…it seems obvious to you.

        The vast majority of the world's working class are POC for whom Nazism is an existential threat due to its expansionist and genocidal ideology. What do you propose is appropriate for us to do in the face of the impregnation of Nazi ideology in the world's most (ostensibly) powerful and (objectively) aggressive military bloc?

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        "The only positions that can be taken are support for the wholesome chungus murderous NATO world superpower or support for the not wholesome chungus murderous Russian world superpower. By stating that Ukraine is as full of nazis as the ongoing flood of evidence continues to indicate, clearly you have chosen the latter. I am a master of geopolitics."
