• forcequit [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Sex is kinda overrated, or at least put on this stupid pedestal above other things. Easy to say if you've had sex though I suppose?

    It's far from pathetic to have not had sex though tbh. Equally, don't place too much/any value in virginity or abstinence either, but like, ehh?

    tldr no it's not pathetic, but worrying too much over it might be at a certain point

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      9 months ago

      I would say it's not so much overrated as it is that most people don't read theory and don't spend enough time practicing to develop mastery. Sex is like any other skill - you need lots of practice and experimentation to get really good at it. You've got to read theory and keep up with the current literature. You've got to consult with experts who are bringing forth new innovations.

      In my experience most people are just kind of there and have never really put any thought in to getting good at sex, and that leads to a lot of mediocre sex.