Here it is, the daily thread to share all things good and positive!

Did you make strides in unionizing your work place recently?

Hear about a strike?

See a cool bug?

Help out a comrade?

If so, share it with us in the comments here! It doesn't matter big or small! This is a space to recharge and remind yourself what you're fighting for.

Comment anything here, as long as it's good vibes!

cat-vibing floppy-owl wholesome

  • ratboy [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Yesterday I met with the executive director of another non profit that I admire and are really radical for a non profit..we talked about how fucked my workplace is and she gave me instructions on how to try and get the board and management to resign data-laughing

    I'm sick and broken and burnt out right now but this gives me hope that myself and my comrades at work can actually save this place from becoming a corporatized shithole ran by conservatives for God knows what reason